Thursday, March 25, 2010

Floreana 3/24-3/25/2010


Woke up before sunrise and started the day with revisiting the sea
lions watching the sun rise over the mountains. We saw a double rainbow
over the sea. The sea lion dad beached himself and began barking
indicating that this is his territory. He is tired from watching the babies and
not eating which makes him vulnerable.

After a lovely breakfast we headed to the highlands to see the giant
tortoises. This is a reserve to bring them back to Floreana. We learned that the giant tortoises on Galapagos need to be reintroduced to many of the islands due to the invasion of non-endemic species (i.e. goats, rats, dogs.) Watched
them take mud baths, eat, and attempt to mate (he struck out 3 times). It
began to rain so I not only saw the tortoises but ended up with
rainwater conditioner and mud foot-mask!!!

Proceeded to see the freshwater source discovered by English pirates in the 1800s as well as their cave that eventually became the home of the Wittners, early
settlers from Germany. Hard to imagine life there coming from western

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